Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drama, Drama, Drama

Tonight I showed my cousin my blog and she was really excited about it. We've decided that she is eventually going to add her two cents to the mix sooner or later. Believe me, this is going to be a hoot. I couldn't make up this craziness if I tried.

For the record, after speaking with my cousin, I have to clarify a few things. In my post about my grandmother losing her son, I seemed to have remembered the story slightly incorrectly. The actual story is: My grandmother was leaving the house and one of my aunts and the boy were waving out the window. The boy leaned on the screen and fell out of the window.

After speaking with my cousin, we decided to change the pseudonym that I gave her and her mother, and we included their actual real names. My cousin is just fine with me using her name, and frankly I could give a rat's ass if my aunt doesn't like it. I will keep the prince with the pseudonym of Arturito or I will just call him the prince, since he is really more of an innocent victim in this whole crazy story.

So now I am just brainstorming the next thing that I would like to discuss. Where to begin? Where to begin?

Should I talk about when my Uncle Arturito (the prince) told all of his sisters that he had chopped up Melvin in the bathtub and put him in the septic tank? Or should I go way back to my grandmother's youth and talk about when she was tied to the front porch as a baby (you know...daycare?) and was saved by someone passing by from drowning in a bucket? Hmmm, maybe I will talk about when my nudist grandfather moved to Uruapan, Mexico and married a fifteen year old, and later was found dead in the shower? Or when my grandfather shot at my grandmother as she was running away from him? Or maybe I'll just talk about the time when my mom sat on my chest all night long, chanting self-help and religious crap because I'm such an ungrateful daughter.

You REALLY have NO IDEA how therapeutic this blog is becoming!


  1. LOL...don't forget...."THEY" KNOW he was killed because he never took a shower. He couldn't have slipped. He always took baths. And, he had that special bath mat thing he supposedly used too. DAMN YOU! I was almost asleep and know my mind is spinning and I'm coughing up a storm from laughing.

  2. HOLY Crap!! That's too funny - I need to change my blog roll now :)

  3. Your grandfather was found dead or the 15 year old? Ugh
